Locksmiths for Emotion Mind

Our minds are very powerful and can sometimes drive us toward ineffectiveness; especially when in emotion mind. When emotions arise, the stronger and more intense they are, the stronger the urges are as well to survive. Emotions though can be…

The Zones of Regulations

Emotion Regulation can be a challenge for children, so creator Leah Kuypers designed the Zones of Regulation. These identified zones are a lovely breakdown of the stages of alertness and arousals in which children can relate to. These stages…

Learning To Face Our Fears

Let’s face our fears and work toward trusting ourselves and our lives. Follow along with David’s meditation practice. His gentle manner guides us to a more trusting self away from our fearful selves. https://soundcloud.com/davidji/tr…

What Science Says About Mindfulness Practice with Kids

“In 2013 scientists followed more than 400 students during five weeks of mindfulness training (12-2). They found out that student behavior improved significantly (as rated by classroom teachers) in four areas measured: paying attention, self-control,…

Forgiveness Meditation

There are three types of forgiveness: Forgiving Ourselves, Forgiving Others, and Asking for Forgiveness. Take a moment to meditate toward acceptance and forgiveness. https://soundcloud.com/davidji/no-more-regret-only-forgiveness-guide…

Therapy Expectations…

Some people don’t know what to anticipate when going into their first therapy appointment. There could be a lot of fear from the unknown, and so this article highlights six things to expect out of therapy: You might see "more" and "deeper"…

Validate, Validate, Validate

Validation brings people closer through empathy and understanding. You do not have to agree with another person or their behaviors to be able to validate them though. Only find the kernel of truth to validate the valid, not the invalid. Look…

Laugh a Bit, Wont You?

Humor is a skill and Andrew Tarvinwants to encourage you to be more funny. He shares the many benefits of incorporating humor in one’s life, and how one can do it. TEDx Talk with Andrew Tarvin: The Skill of Humor https://youtu.be/Md…

Do You Lo-fi?

I have been pretty obsessed with the Lo-fi YouTube radio stations. Lo-fi music is a genre of music which blends hip-hop with jazz elements to create a soothing calm atmosphere for the listener. I’ll be on my laptop working and have Lo-fi music…

Tolerate Distress

Distress comes in many forms and Dialectical Behavior Therapy has compiled a variety of skills to help tolerate the different types of distress. If a problem cannot be solved today, it is recommended to use Distract skills with Wise Mind A.C.C.E.P.T.S.…