The Call to Courage

“True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are.” Have you seen Brené Brown’s Netflix special yet? If not, what are you waiting for?! Tune in to “The Call to Courage” on Netflix. …

Mindful Children

Children learn things quickly and start building their character at a young age. And have you ever thought about teaching your child mindfulness too to help them grow into being more skillful and successful? Children who practice mindfulness…

Self-Soothe with Sound Today

Having a difficult time staying on task today due to stress? Take a moment and listen to this soothing track. After a few minutes, continue listening to it while mindfully working on each of the items on your to-do list. Getting work done doesn’t…

The Six Dimensions

As defined by the National Wellness Institute, wellness is as an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence. The six dimensions of wellness are also observed as the following: Physical,…

Mindfulness is for Kids Too

Have a bunch of pennies that you don’t know what to do with? Here’s a great game for kids and teens to practice mindfulness! Mindful game: Pennies game Purpose: Detail Awareness, Focus, Awareness Best For: Ages 3+, groups or one-on-one What…

Contributing Toward Happiness

The DBT skill of Distract with Wise Mind ACCEPTS includes contributing to others to help reduce our distress. Taking the time to replace our attention away from ourselves onto others can help us feel better and quite possibly bring joy. This…


Take a moment and breathe…

Jon Kabat Zinn – Me Me Me

Mindfulness: “The awareness that arises through paying attention on purpose in the present moment nonjudgmentally - in the service of self-understanding and wisdom.” – Jon Kabat Zinn. Who are you, and what are you doing? https:/…

Pocket Mindfulness

This article breaks down 6 different mindfulness practices that you could try almost anywhere. Mindful practices around breathing, observations, awareness, sounds, immersion, and appreciation. Pick a few and try them out throughout your wee…

Influence Nonverbally

When someone thinks a certain way, and you want them to see things from your point of view, how often are you able to persuade them via discussion? Not as often as you would like, I presume. We think that if we give the best argument for others…