Let’s Be More Optimistic Shall We_

If we could wave a magic wand to be happier, we would. And since we cannot, we must be proactive to bring the positivity to us. Much research is being done on how we can turn our frame of mind to become more positive and rather than pessimistic,…

Keeping the Peace During the Holidays

The holidays are here and our goal is always to NOT make things worse. Stock up on sanity savors, real in your expectations, and increase your mindfulness around your inner Grinch and meltdowns. Taking a moment to bring yourself to the here-and-now,…

Let’s Get Through the Holidays!

Getting through the holidays can be a challenge. Needing to tend to family obligations, altered schedules, and even the shifting of daylight savings’ end, these all add up to alter our daily routines. So, let’s cope ahead for the holidays…

Compassionate Meditation

Stop what you are doing at this moment. While you are here, take a moment to focus on compassion. Follow this guided meditation for leading you compassion. Let yourself get into a positive headspace for the rest of your day.   ht…

Post-Wedding Blues

Weddings are known to be one of the happiest days for a married couple. There’s a lot of talk about how much love there is, how beautiful the wedding is, and how marriage is a wonderful new chapter in the newlywed’s lives. What is not often…

Mindfulness Practice of the Week

Commuting to and from work can take a toll on our present state of being. Living in Los Angeles especially, road rage is a common experience to be had. The next time your commute is contributing to your distress, take a moment and listen to…

Is Your State a Happy State?

Our moods can often be influenced by others as well as by our circumstances. Check out these states ranked by their levels of happiness and see what correlates toward it! Could you relate to these polls? Does this ring to be true for you within…

Mindfulness Practice of the Week

We can often fall under a pattern of thinking and acting unkind to ourselves or those around us, so today take a moment to practice kindness to yourself through a meditation utilizing imagery. One kind thought can often have a domino effect.…

Mindfulness Communication

As quoted in the famous Pulp Fiction movie, John Travolta’s character is asked, “In conversation, do you listen or wait to talk?” This is an interesting question because many people tend to do the latter rather than the more interpersonally…


Showing gratitude is a frequent suggestion on how to increase one’s happiness in life and is also quite overlooked. Gratitude is such a powerful tool that retrains the mind to focus on the positive details in our lives and in turn reduces…