
Want to be healthier physically and mentally? Work on having better sleep hygiene. Take care of yourself so that you can prioritize your sleep to gain all the benefits that sleep has to offer. This link highlights 14 reasons as to why you should…


Guided mindfulness of the day: https://soundcloud.com/tarabrach/vipassana-basic-mindfulness

Stress Management Through Meditation

When we’re more mindful, we can see our stressors more clearly. By practicing mindfulness daily, we can build our resilience toward stress that accumulate throughout our day. http://time.com/4645363/mindfulness-meditation-stress-anxiety-resilience/

Mindfulness 101

A lot of research has been done on mindfulness and data has shown that practicing mindfulness regularly fuels connection with ourselves and surroundings, lower stress levels, greater focus of the mind with reduced brain chatter, and also understanding…