Mindfulness Practice of the Week
UncategorizedWe can often fall under a pattern of thinking and acting unkind to ourselves or those around us, so today take a moment to practice kindness to yourself through a meditation utilizing imagery. One kind thought can often have a domino effect.…
Mindfulness Communication
UncategorizedAs quoted in the famous Pulp Fiction movie, John Travolta’s character is asked, “In conversation, do you listen or wait to talk?” This is an interesting question because many people tend to do the latter rather than the more interpersonally…
UncategorizedShowing gratitude is a frequent suggestion on how to increase one’s happiness in life and is also quite overlooked. Gratitude is such a powerful tool that retrains the mind to focus on the positive details in our lives and in turn reduces…
Fundamentals are Fundamental
UncategorizedPlease use the PLEASE skills to take care of your mental health and reduce your vulnerability to unwanted emotions. Tending to your physical health, maintaining your regular physical check-ups throughout the year, regularly visiting your dentist,…