New Year’s Resolutions Revised
UncategorizedNew Year’s Resolutions are notorious for not being followed through throughout the year. And now imagine being depressed and feeling it is even more impossible to achieve any goal set! Well, let us take off some of the pressure this year and…
New Year, New Goals
Let us roll into the New Year with a centered mind on the goals we are working to achieve in 2019. Sit or lay down comfortably and center yourself with this guided meditation on bringing calm mindfulness toward your hopes and desires.
Let’s Be More Optimistic Shall We_
If we could wave a magic wand to be happier, we would. And since we cannot, we must be proactive to bring the positivity to us. Much research is being done on how we can turn our frame of mind to become more positive and rather than pessimistic,…
Keeping the Peace During the Holidays
UncategorizedThe holidays are here and our goal is always to NOT make things worse. Stock up on sanity savors, real in your expectations, and increase your mindfulness around your inner Grinch and meltdowns. Taking a moment to bring yourself to the here-and-now,…