Entries by DBT Center

Tops Ways to Reduce Stress

  Everyone feels the impact of stress sometimes. For many of us, it might feel like there is no real solution for the stress in life. But quite often, people are much more in control of stress factors than they might think. While 54 percent of Americans are concerned about the levels of stress in […]

How Regular Exercise Can Influence Your Attitude

Most of us know that regular exercise has many physical benefits, but being physically active can also greatly influence your attitude and mental health. Here are some ways regular exercise can help improve your overall mood and attitude! Happiness – When your heart rate is elevated, your body actively pumps blood to your heart and […]

The Redondo Beach Dog Park

When your dog needs room to run and play, the options in South Bay are quite limited. So head over to the Redondo Beach Dog Park to give your pooch some much-needed exercise and social time. Located at the Northern end of Dominquez Park off Flagler Lane and 190th Street, the park is the only […]

Manhattan Beach Botanical Gardens: Growing Goodnes

In 1992, South Bay residents with professions in business, horticulture and landscape design got together with a local organization called V.O.I.C.E. (Volunteers and Organizations Improving the Community’s Environment). Concern over the environment brought them together, and they came up with an idea of how to teach resource conservation to the community in a fun and […]

Stay-cations in South Bay

When you live in the South Bay area there is a plethora of things to do without traveling far. Here are some great stay-cation ideas: If you love surfing, bicycling, rollerblading, wind surfing or fishing the area is perfect with its wonderful beaches and ocean currents. Hermosa Beach offers some of the world’s most exciting […]

Tops Ways to Reduce Stress

Everyone feels the impact of stress sometimes. For many of us, it might feel like there is no real solution for the stress in life. But quite often, people are much more in control of stress factors than they might think. While 54 percent of Americans are concerned about the levels of stress in their […]

Brain Power Boosting Foods

Wouldn’t it be great if you could boost your own brain power based on the foods you eat? Well, you can. Choosing the right diet for your mental health seems like a pretty simple choice. You can boost your brain power based on the foods you eat. Just like the rest of your body, the […]

Easy Detox Formulas for Mind, Body

Toxins are an unavoidable part of modern living. Toxins include anything that’s harmful to our bodies and can come from the air we breathe, the liquids we drink, the food we eat,and some of the daily products we use. What we do in our daily lives adds up. Toxins surround us every day, harming our […]