Entries by DBT Center

Habits for Emotional Wellness

There are many things we do and don’t do in our daily life that both help as well as inhibit self-care. Here’s a list of a few things to incorporate into your to-do list each day to promote improvement in your emotional wellness: Validate yourself and take care of you as a person through self-compassion. […]

Fun Facts About Your Body

Did you know that you breathe up to 30,000 times a day? Did you know that 90% of diseases are caused by stress? Did you know that your brain’s neurons connected look like the structure of the universe? Check out this article and learn more fun facts about the amazing body that you have! 17 […]


DBT Skills Group Effectiveness!

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is not a forever-treatment that one is in for their whole life. When only looking at DBT skills groups, a study showed the effectiveness of DBT skills group on “reducing negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors, promoting positive self-help behaviors, and reducing service users’ reliance on professional help for support.” The goal is […]

Hidden Diagnoses

Stigma and fear can keep people from being able to cope effectively with biological challenges such as mental disorders. Fear of being exposed and what society may judge about someone inhibits the one from seeking appropriate help to take care of one’s self and further achieve life goals. Mariah Carey has recently exposed herself to […]

Simple Tips for Daily Self-Care

When life gets crazy, it’s easy to put everyone else’s needs above yours. Your job, your family, and other commitments may take priority to keep the plates of life spinning. The result is physical and mental fatigue that can take a long time to fully recover from. People get burned out and need to leave […]

How to Add Mindfulness To Your Day

No matter how busy you are, there’s always time to add a little mindfulness to your day. This is especially important as we all spend more and more of our time looking at screens of one variety or another. Here are a few simple ways to unplug and reclaim your thoughts throughout the day! Be […]

Take a Five

Dan Harris, from Good Morning America, was interviewed about his personal experience with anxiety and his new book, “10% Happier,” and shared a brief exercise on how to practice mindfulness daily. So why not give it a try: “Find a reasonably quiet place (it doesn’t have to be pristine – and if it’s a little […]

Connect Through Being Mindful

Researchers have found a correlation between an increase of mindfulness in those experiencing a wider range of emotions with improved health; and no affect shown on the specific types of emotions identified in the range. By increasing mindfulness we can relieve undue stress in our daily life and improve our emotional well-being, and at the […]

Accumulate Positives

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This phrase could also say, “All work and no play makes Jack more vulnerable to unwanted emotions.” Finding a balance in what we do each day and each week is important. We can put a toll on ourselves emotionally if we put too much on […]

Two Types of Judgments

We all make judgments, so why is it sometimes bad to be stating judgments? There are two types of judgments; judgments that are discriminating, and judgments that are evaluative. Judgments that are discriminating (i.e. I prefer X over Y) reflect personal preferences and subjective opinions. They are considered judgments that are effective in terms of […]