Entries by DBT Center


Ever find yourself in a situation that is challenging to speak up or to express yourself effectively? The DEAR MAN skills constructed by Marsha Linehan is the go-to skill to use! This video breaks down one very valuable skill that is golden for effective communication. It breaks down key components of communicating and getting your […]

Self-Love Meditation

We can definitely be our own worst critic, so take a moment to pause and reflect on some self-love! https://youtu.be/cFeCUfw657g

Finding Inner Peace

COVID, elections, work, family… our lives may have a lot to work through and yet it’s not what’s on our plate, but how we manage our plate. From allowing yourself to take a break, to finding ways to rethink things that are going on, there are tips and tricks on how to bring a sense […]

Work Burnout

At work do you find yourself more irritable, fatigued, more sarcastic, or even notice your productivity has reduced somewhat? You may have some work burnout. Want to know more about burnout, this article explains what burnout looks like, ways to prevent it, and ways to overcome it. We may be burnt-out from COVID, don’t let […]

New Research on Mindfulness

Update on mindfulness research: more evidence to support why we should incorporate mindfulness more into our lives! From fighting inflammation to reduced anxiety and depression, mindfulness practices in one’s life enhances literal health as well as emotional health. Read up and share! https://www.mindful.org/top-research-news-on-mindfulness-meditation-fall-2020/

Deep Body Scan

Your body is with you at all times, so a body scan meditation is a great way to center yourself when feeling out of touch with the moment. Here is a nice deep body scan guided meditation for your day so strengthen your mindfulness skills, even if it’s only for a portion of this recording, […]

Managing Social Distancing

Want an analogy on how to manage your life while being home more during these unique times we’re living in? Check this great 10-minute video on effectively managing your day-to-day life. Don’t forget your popcorn! https://youtu.be/snAhsXyO3Ck  


We have been on a long journey now during this pandemic, and fatigue and burnout is real. Remind yourself of the risks around not social distancing or not wearing masks/washing hands and return to making a commitment to taking safety measures. This attached article describes various ways to make taking safety measures easier for you. […]

Back to School with a Side of Pandemic Panic

Are your kids kind of going back to school? This time around it’s going to be different. We are in a pandemic and want to be safe, and at the same time we still want to get our education to keep up with our long-term goals. The attached article highlights great tools targeting various areas […]

Body Scan Meditation

There are many body scan meditations, and yet one does not fit all. Here is another type of body scan meditation that is quite grounding and motivating in tone. Whether you have 25 minutes for the whole body scan or if you only have 5 minutes, take a moment to scan your body mindfully and […]